Throughout the history of the Foundation, the directors have held that the Foundation should seek to benefit the Black River Valley area, from Boonville in the South to Carthage in the North, by providing financial support to not-for-profit organizations fulfilling community needs which neither government nor private enterprise could reasonably accomplish. Such needs, the directors have maintained, may be cultural, educational, or civic.
One of the principal responsibilities of the Foundation’s Board of Directors is the review and consideration of applications from community and governmental organizations for financial assistance. Grant applications are only considered as part of a regularly scheduled board meeting.
Criteria used for the evaluation and potential approval of grant applications are:
The Foundation focuses on projects and opportunities for young people, and also considers other innovative initiatives.
The Foundation focuses on initiatives that have broad community support and can demonstrate substantial matching funds.
Grant Awarded in 2019
Boonville Youth Athletic Association $10,000
Lewis County Youth Bureau $500
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson Co. $3,000
Maple Ridge Center $15,000
Lyons Falls Library $20,000
Town of New Bremen $10,000
Erwin Park Boonville NY
Grant Awards from 1997 to 2019
Adirondack Mennonite Camping Association $9,179.49
Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Assoc. $9,450.00
American Lung Assoc. $100
American Maple Museum $7,000.0
Arts Community of Lewis County $500
B.E. Strong Library – Turin $10,000
Beaver River CS $25,878
Big Brothers, Big Sisters $34,500
Boonville Black River Canal Museum $33,000
Boonville Concert Band $21,000
Boonville Youth Athletic Association #10,000
Branaugh Boys Club $55,000
Brantingham/Greig Reading Center $2,600
Brookhaven House $5,025
Carthage AYSO $3,000
Carthage Central School $1,500
Carthage Area Hospital Foundation $11,088.00
Carthage Free LIbrary $5,000
Carthage YMCA $48,000
Constable Hall Assoc. $7,750
Constableville Village Library $16,300
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson Co. $3,000
Cooperative Extension $3,000
Copenhagen CS $6,300
Daydreams, Inc. $2,800
Disabled Persons Action Organization $2,500
Dispute Resolution Center $7,300
Dodge Pratt Northam Community Center $30,105
Doubleplay Sports Center
Erwin Library (Boonville) $400
Erwin Library Institute $77,630
Explorer Post 122 $800
FFA Foundation $3,000
Food Bank of Central NY $5,000
4-H Camp Wabasso $11,200
Friends of Lewis County Hospice $1,440
Good Samaritan Society $1,200
Hand-in-Hand Early Childhood Center, Inc. $80,080
Harris Courts $2,199
Harrisville Free Library $10,000
Harrisville Little League $10,000
Jefferson Community College $4,100
JCC Center for Community Studies $4,500
Leave A Legacy $5,000
Lewis Co. Ag. Society $48,500
Lewis County Amateur Hockey Assoc. $1,500
Lewis County Chamber of Commerce $4,350.00
Lewis County Community Foundation $4,000
Lewis County General Hospital $25,761
Lewis County Christmas Sharing $500
Lewis County Historical Society $22,065
Lewis County Historical Society Concert Series $1,500
Lewis County General Hospital $200
Lewis County Hospital Foundation $500
Lewis County Historical Society
Lewis County Office for the Aging $500
Lewis County Opportunities $10,850
Lewis County Public Health $12,000
Lewis County Soil and Water $5,000
Lewis County Youth Bureau $500
Lowville Academy $300
Lowville Academy Art Club $3,500
Lowville Council of Churches $1,600
Lowville Cream Cheese Festival $1,000
Lowville Food Pantry $1,250
Lowville Little League $8,000
Lyons Falls Alive $1,500
Lyons Falls Library $30,000
Maple Ridge Center $15,000
Mathew’s Place $800.00
Martinsburg Historical Society $2,500
Mountainview Prevention Service $23,100
New Bremen Community Improvement Association $4,310
NIDS Coalition of NNY $2,500
NNY Autism Center $14,062
North Country Public Radio $18,500
North Country Reads $1,000
NRCIL $5,500
NYS Old Tyme Fiddlers $17,771
NYS Tug Hill Commission $11,500
Operation Lowville $1,875
Osceola Public Library $13,000
Pine Grove Community Chruch $1,000
Port Leyden Community Library $5,000
Railway Historical Society $3,850
Ryde’s Edge Skate Park $10,000
Scholarships $300
Seaway Valley Boy Scouts $1,325
South Lewis Central Schools $19,300
St. Peter’s Home and School Ass. $400
Syracuse Symphony $10,000
TAUNY $4,500
Thompson Park Conservancy $13,700
TI Girl Scout Council $16,000
TI Habitat for Humanity $5,300
Trio $420
Town of Boonville $20,000
Town of Greig $9,034
Town of Lowville $110,000
Town of Martinsburg $1,000
Town of New Bremen $10,000
Transitional Living Services $12,810
Troop 61 BSA $915
Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust $2,500
Twin Village Festival $32,500
Watertown Family YMCA $48,000
Village Ecumenical Ministries $1,200
Village of Boonville $10,000
Village of Carthage $29,000
Village of Castorland $5,000
Village of Constableville $37,780
Village of Croghan $62,000
Village of Harrisville $7,000
Village of Lowville $25,724
Village of Lyons Falls $10,000
Village of Port Leyden $6,000
Village of Turin $5,000
Village of West Carthage $6,000
Voices of the River $2,500
Volunteer Center $1,500
Volunteer Transportation Center $5,000
Tom Yousey is Presented the 2019 Don Exford Community Service Award
Donald Exford Community Service Award
“Donald (Exford)…passionately loved two things in life, his family and his community. He seemed always to be focused on one or the other.” Gordon Allen in “Allen’s Alley” – Journal and Republican (10-11-05)
Pictured here [1. to r.] are Donald Exford, Executive Director of the Foundation with the Foundation Director Donald Hunt. This award is presented in the spring of each year to a community member living in the area between Boonville in the south and Carthage in the north. The Pratt Northam Foundation offers this award in memory of Donald Exford, its first Executive Director. A financial award of $1,000, along with an appropriate symbol (certificate, statuette, etc.) of the award, is given to a person that represents the dedication to continuous community improvement over a significant period of one’s lifetime, as Donald Exford dedicated his life’s work to the communities served by the Pratt Northam Foundation. The award will be presented at an event in the recipient’s community during the Spring each year.
Directors of the Foundation at a regular or special meeting held between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28 each year submit nominations for the award to the full Board of Directors. All nominations and discussion of nominations remain confidential. Only a Director of the Pratt Northam Foundation may submit a nomination. Directors consult with other people in the community to prepare a nomination.
A nominee must have demonstrated commitment to improving the quality of life in the nominee’s community over a decade or more. Nominees should have demonstrated persistence in the face of adversity in attempting to meet community goals. Preferably, the nominee should have “been there” for the entire community; even though, the nominee may have shown overwhelming dedication to one community group or cause. Special consideration will be given to nominees that have served in multiple volunteer capacities. A nominee may have served the community with distinction in her/his professional capacity, in addition to one’s volunteer service.
There will be no posthumous awards. The Pratt Northam Foundation Board of Directors may waive the award in any year in which they determine that there is not a qualified nominee. Members of the Pratt Northam Board of Directors and their immediate families, along with any full time or part time Pratt Northam paid consultants are ineligible for consideration for the award.
Community Grants
Grant Applications
Throughout the history of the Foundation, the directors have held that the Foundation should seek to benefit the Black River Valley area, from Boonville in the South to Carthage in the North, by providing financial support to not-for-profit organizations fulfilling community needs which neither government nor private enterprise could reasonably accomplish. Such needs, the directors have maintained, may be cultural, educational, or civic.
One of the principal responsibilities of the Foundation’s Board of Directors is the review and consideration of applications from community and governmental organizations for financial assistance. Grant applications are only considered as part of a regularly scheduled board meeting.
Criteria used for the evaluation and potential approval of grant applications are:
Erwin Park Boonville NY
Grant Awards from 1997 to 2019
Adirondack Mennonite Camping Association $9,179.49
Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Assoc. $9,450.00
American Lung Assoc. $100
American Maple Museum $7,000.0
Arts Community of Lewis County $500
B.E. Strong Library – Turin $10,000
Beaver River CS $25,878
Big Brothers, Big Sisters $34,500
Boonville Black River Canal Museum $33,000
Boonville Concert Band $21,000
Boonville Youth Athletic Association #10,000
Branaugh Boys Club $55,000
Brantingham/Greig Reading Center $2,600
Brookhaven House $5,025
Carthage AYSO $3,000
Carthage Central School $1,500
Carthage Area Hospital Foundation $11,088.00
Carthage Free LIbrary $5,000
Carthage YMCA $48,000
Constable Hall Assoc. $7,750
Constableville Village Library $16,300
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Jefferson Co. $3,000
Cooperative Extension $3,000
Copenhagen CS $6,300
Daydreams, Inc. $2,800
Disabled Persons Action Organization $2,500
Dispute Resolution Center $7,300
Dodge Pratt Northam Community Center $30,105
Doubleplay Sports Center
Erwin Library (Boonville) $400
Erwin Library Institute $77,630
Explorer Post 122 $800
FFA Foundation $3,000
Food Bank of Central NY $5,000
4-H Camp Wabasso $11,200
Friends of Lewis County Hospice $1,440
Good Samaritan Society $1,200
Hand-in-Hand Early Childhood Center, Inc. $80,080
Harris Courts $2,199
Harrisville Free Library $10,000
Harrisville Little League $10,000
Jefferson Community College $4,100
JCC Center for Community Studies $4,500
Leave A Legacy $5,000
Lewis Co. Ag. Society $48,500
Lewis County Amateur Hockey Assoc. $1,500
Lewis County Chamber of Commerce $4,350.00
Lewis County Community Foundation $4,000
Lewis County General Hospital $25,761
Lewis County Christmas Sharing $500
Lewis County Historical Society $22,065
Lewis County Historical Society Concert Series $1,500
Lewis County General Hospital $200
Lewis County Hospital Foundation $500
Lewis County Historical Society
Lewis County Office for the Aging $500
Lewis County Opportunities $10,850
Lewis County Public Health $12,000
Lewis County Soil and Water $5,000
Lewis County Youth Bureau $500
Lowville Academy $300
Lowville Academy Art Club $3,500
Lowville Council of Churches $1,600
Lowville Cream Cheese Festival $1,000
Lowville Food Pantry $1,250
Lowville Little League $8,000
Lyons Falls Alive $1,500
Lyons Falls Library $30,000
Maple Ridge Center $15,000
Mathew’s Place $800.00
Martinsburg Historical Society $2,500
Mountainview Prevention Service $23,100
New Bremen Community Improvement Association $4,310
NIDS Coalition of NNY $2,500
NNY Autism Center $14,062
North Country Public Radio $18,500
North Country Reads $1,000
NRCIL $5,500
NYS Old Tyme Fiddlers $17,771
NYS Tug Hill Commission $11,500
Operation Lowville $1,875
Osceola Public Library $13,000
Pine Grove Community Chruch $1,000
Port Leyden Community Library $5,000
Railway Historical Society $3,850
Ryde’s Edge Skate Park $10,000
Scholarships $300
Seaway Valley Boy Scouts $1,325
South Lewis Central Schools $19,300
St. Peter’s Home and School Ass. $400
Syracuse Symphony $10,000
TAUNY $4,500
Thompson Park Conservancy $13,700
TI Girl Scout Council $16,000
TI Habitat for Humanity $5,300
Trio $420
Town of Boonville $20,000
Town of Greig $9,034
Town of Lowville $110,000
Town of Martinsburg $1,000
Town of New Bremen $10,000
Transitional Living Services $12,810
Troop 61 BSA $915
Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust $2,500
Twin Village Festival $32,500
Watertown Family YMCA $48,000
Village Ecumenical Ministries $1,200
Village of Boonville $10,000
Village of Carthage $29,000
Village of Castorland $5,000
Village of Constableville $37,780
Village of Croghan $62,000
Village of Harrisville $7,000
Village of Lowville $25,724
Village of Lyons Falls $10,000
Village of Port Leyden $6,000
Village of Turin $5,000
Village of West Carthage $6,000
Voices of the River $2,500
Volunteer Center $1,500
Volunteer Transportation Center $5,000
Donald Exford Community Service Award
“Donald (Exford)…passionately loved two things in life, his family and his community. He seemed always to be focused on one or the other.” Gordon Allen in “Allen’s Alley” – Journal and Republican (10-11-05)
Directors of the Foundation at a regular or special meeting held between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28 each year submit nominations for the award to the full Board of Directors. All nominations and discussion of nominations remain confidential. Only a Director of the Pratt Northam Foundation may submit a nomination. Directors consult with other people in the community to prepare a nomination.
A nominee must have demonstrated commitment to improving the quality of life in the nominee’s community over a decade or more. Nominees should have demonstrated persistence in the face of adversity in attempting to meet community goals. Preferably, the nominee should have “been there” for the entire community; even though, the nominee may have shown overwhelming dedication to one community group or cause. Special consideration will be given to nominees that have served in multiple volunteer capacities. A nominee may have served the community with distinction in her/his professional capacity, in addition to one’s volunteer service.
There will be no posthumous awards. The Pratt Northam Foundation Board of Directors may waive the award in any year in which they determine that there is not a qualified nominee. Members of the Pratt Northam Board of Directors and their immediate families, along with any full time or part time Pratt Northam paid consultants are ineligible for consideration for the award.